NSW/BE Business Center


NSW/BE Business Center Checklist

Purchasing Card see Angelica Aros (NSW)

  • Have you completed a PCard form? (available here) Does the form include the Department and cardholder name, phone number, purchase date, vendor information, and detailed business purpose as it relates to the project being charged?
  • Is there a Travel Authorization attached (required for travel-related purchases such as airline tickets and conference registration)?
  • Did you attach a scan of the original, itemized receipt? (Scanned documents must be of good quality (Example: 200 dpi) without blurring of the images and amounts must be readable by the approvers of the expenditure.
  • PCard form and receipts must be turned in within 3 business days. Please email completed PCard form and supporting documentation to: cals-nsc-abe-businesscenter@arizona.edu

Hiring/Supervision see Angelica Aros

  • Students must be enrolled for at least 6 credit hours during the school year and are limited to a maximum of 25 hours per week during the academic year and 35 per week during winter and summer break.
  • Timesheets must be approved by the direct supervisor unless there are extenuating circumstances.
  • New hires must complete hiring and I-9 forms BEFORE starting to work. No exceptions.
  • All new hire requests will require a valid funding account(s). Staff or Appointed.

Payment Requests: Employee reimbursement see Angelica Aros

  • Do you have an original invoice and a Business Purpose for reimbursement?
  • Have you identified a payment account to process the disbursement voucher?
  • Have you submitted your reimbursement request in a timely fashion? Reimbursements submitted after the 90th day will be considered taxable to the payee.
  • Employee Reimbursement Request form (PDF)

Payment Requests: Guest speakers see Angelica Aros

  • Before scheduling a speaker, please distinguish if the speaker is an “employee” or “independent contractor.”
  • Is the speaker a U.S. citizen? If not, see the Business Center before scheduling the speaker.
  • Have you confirmed dates of service? Are there meal and expense reimbursements?
  • If the Department is paying for transportation, this must be coordinated before buying tickets.
  • An Independent Contractor (ICON) form must be completed when the speaker arrives and submitted to the Business Center.

Pre- and Post-Travel see Angelica Aros

  • Have you identified funding for your travel?
  • Have you turned in an electronic Travel Authorization (TA) form to the Business Center prior to your travel? To download the form, click here
  • Have you pre-paid for your airfare and conference registration with a PCard? If so, make sure that you submit a completed PCard form with your TA number included.
  • If using designated lodging, provide conference brochure indicating the lodging rate. The agenda from your conference must be submitted, along with what meals you expect to be reimbursed for. Meal receipts must be itemized; tips greater that 20% will be disallowed.
  • Keep and submit all original itemized receipts for reimbursement.

Grant Submissions see Theresa Spicer

  • Provide the Business Center with the RFA as soon as possible (identify waivers/stipulations).
  • Have you allowed enough time for processing? We need fifteen (15) business days prior to application deadline (Sponsor Projects Services deadline is 3 days – no exceptions).
  • Is your budget reasonable? Common categories for direct costs include: Salaries, wages, and fringe benefits; equipment; expendable supplies and materials (if allowable); travel; subcontract/consultants; other (animal care, human subjects, participant costs, service contracts).
  • Does the justification match the budget?
  • Is your abstract (with the title of the project) ready at the time of routing the submission?
  • Have you identified any subcontractors and their contact information?
  • Have you identified Effort, IDC, and Credit breakdown for all key personnel?
  • Ensure that your budget is using the correct rates located here.
  • CALES Grant Submission Timeline

Grant Postaward and Closeout see Angelica Aros

  • 90 day final invoice/deadline will be strictly enforced. Subcontract final invoices must be received and paid within 65 days.
  • Final technical reports are due to the sponsor within 90 days.
  • View more info here

Please visit the Business Center in Shantz room 309 for any items not covered. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive.

Contact Us

Angelica Aros, Business Manager
Phone: (520) 626-3430
Email: aros@arizona.edu

Theresa Spicer, Manager, Grants and Contracts
Phone: (520) 621-3859
Email: tspicer@arizona.edu

Aurora Juarez, Accountant
Phone: (520) 626-1262
Email: ajuarez@arizona.edu

BE Business: https://be.arizona.edu/content/business-center
NSW:  https://nutrition.cals.arizona.edu/be-nsw-business-center

Other Resources

NSC Designated Campus Colleague Protocol
FY22 NSW Graduate Stipend Rates 
NSW Grad Stipend Rates FY24